A calorie is just the proportion of energy. It gives individuals energy and keeps their bodies functioning. That's why it's fundamental to keep a balance between the number of calories consumed and the number of calories burned every day. The daily intake of calories relies upon age, sex, metabolism, and physical activity levels among others. The recommended intake is generally 2000 calories per day for women and 2500 calories for men.
High-calorie foods give one with more energy and nutrition than low-calorie foods. There are many reasons why one should start consuming high-calorie foods. Somebody with an ailment or malnutrition should integrate high-calorie food into their daily meal plans.
Nonetheless, instead of choosing such foods randomly, it is better to take the advice of a nutritionist. An individual with a frail constitution or an individual recovering from an illness may also turn to high-calorie foods to re-energize themselves.
Athletes like weightlifters may opt for high-calorie nutritious foods to build up their muscles. Regular gym-goers may also incorporate them to increment perseverance.
Furthermore, women may turn to high-calorie foods to accomplish the magnificence standard of being "fuller". However, it is essential to note that just like everyone doesn't need a low-calorie diet, not everyone needs to eat high-calorie foods. One needs to educate themselves on their body needs before jumping into a diet plan.
If possible, one should seek advice from a qualified nutritionist and learn about the consequences of consuming high-calorie and low-calorie foods. They need to eat the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, calories, minerals, vitamins, and fats that work for their body.
Best High Calorie Foods For Bulking
The list of high calorie foods are given below:
1. Lean Beef
Beef |
When it comes to achieving the great physique, lean sources of protein are the ideal high calorie foods for bulking because it is a good source of protein, fats and is low in calories and helps in muscle mass growth. Lean beef is also a natural source of creatine and heme iron; both are essentials for building muscle.
2. Quinoa
Quinoa grains in a spoon |
Quinoa is a type of edible seed that comes in various colors including black, white, yellow and red.
Getting an adequate amount of starchy carbohydrates first in the morning following your training session is the perfect way to get the calories for building muscle instead of putting them in your waistline. You can eat quinoa warm or cold just like oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It has a high protein content, and each serving meets your daily zinc needs, a vital nutrient for good testosterone levels.
Quinoa is classified as a whole grain is a good source of manganese, phosphorus, vitamin B1 and plant protein and fiber.
3. Oats
Oat Flakes |
Oats are the versatile grains that can be easily used to bump up your calories without eating too much. You can eat oats in the breakfast like oatmeal, blend it into a smoothie or mix together with the peanut butter and chocolate protein powder for your muscle building goals.
4. Whole Eggs
Eggs |
Want to get good amount of protein and fat in your diet? Then go for whole eggs, each egg gives you 75-90 calories. Muscles need protein to repair and grow. And eggs are high quality protein - supplying all 9 essential amino acids - and are therefore an ideal choice for post-workout nutrition. Get a good source of protein and fat by making scrambled egg or omelette.
5. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes |
Bulking not only requires protein and fat but carbohydrates also. Do not cut on carbs, go for foods like meat and potatoes rich in complex carbs. An average potato provides 40 grams of carbs and various vitamins and minerals. And it is the perfect high calorie food for hard gainers.
6 . Nuts
Nuts |
Nuts are enegy dense foods with mono-unsaturated healthy fats, which makes nut and nut butters perfect high calorie foods for weight gain. Small serving of it can provide you with a large amount of calorie along with fat and protein. Nuts and nut butters contain essential micro-nutrients and minerals such as zinc, selenium, phosphorus and magnesium, all of which are very important when it comes to building muscle mass and maintaining a healthy nutritional status.
7. Avocados
Avocados |
Right fat is what helps in the easy and healthy bulk. Fats provide more than twice the calories per gram than carbs or protein, making it easier for you to meet the high-calorie targets. Avocado contains a high level of mono-unsaturated fats, that prevent redistribution of body fat towards the abs, keeping the midsection tight while you bulk up. Avocados are also perfect way to get a good dose of fiber in your diet.
8. Whole Grain Bread
Whole Grain Breads |
Bread has gotten a bad rap lately. Especially with the recent explosion on low carbohydrate diets. But if your goals is to bulk and build muscle mass, the last thing you want is a low carbohydrate diet. Bread is a great way to get quick easy carbs in and can easily be loaded up with some peanut butter and sliced banana for even more carb loading.
9. Whole Milk and Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese on plates and milk on cups |
Cutting or avoiding dairy products can be a bad choice if you want to get shredded. This is because whole milk with your post-workout protein shake can be an excellent choice for you as it helps you stock up on calcium, extra fat, calories, and protein in your daily diet. You can also add a bowl of cottage cheese before going to the bed.
10. Olive Oil
Olive oil |
Olive oil is a healthy source of calories and fat. Of course, you can use it while cooking, but you can also add it to vegetables, pasta or whole grains, or use it as a salad dressing.
One tablespoon of olive oil has 120 calories and 14 grams of fat. You can see how a few tablespoons throughout the day can quickly add up! Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats, which are the heart-healthy kind. Olive oil also contains polyphenols, which are known to have antioxidant properties.
You'll find many varieties of olive oil lining grocery store shelves. Extra virgin olive oil is made via cold press and is the freshest, least processed option available.