Wine : 15 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Drinking Wine

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It seems that every year, headlines about the positive effects of consuming wine appear on different social media pages and magazine articles. But how significant are these health benefits that come with consuming red or white wine? The good news is that the contents of these articles are from the latest developments of scientific studies.


There are a lot of naysayers who fight with every fiber in their body against the proofs of health benefits associated with drinking wine, but it’s hard to argue with science. You can find 15 of the hard-to-believe but totally true health benefits of wine consumption in this article. So grab a glass of wine and let’s toast to our health.


It cuts the risk of strokes


Consuming wine and other alcoholic beverages in moderation prevent blood clotting. The alcohol contents act to thin our blood, preventing buildup in arteries that could potentially cause a stroke. Be wary of how much you consume, since large quantities can have the opposite effect.


Reduces risk of type 2 diabetes


Studies indicate that resveratrol, a phenol found in red wine, can improve the way our body deals with processing insulin. Resistance to the hormone excreted by the pancreas is a large contributor to contracting type 2 diabetes. Moderate drinkers are 30% less likely to develop the disease compared to nondrinkers.


It diminishes the risk of cataracts


A study done in 2001 concluded that nondrinkers and heavy drinkers of any type of alcoholic beverage showed a significantly increased risk of developing cataracts. Meanwhile, red wine drinkers who consumed in moderation were 32% less likely to develop the eye-afflicting condition in later years in life.


It enhances our cognitive functions


Wine is literally food for thought. Having a glass or two of wine every month can improve the way our brains function. Basically, the chemical structure of red wine protects neurons in our brains from dying. This, in turn, prevents or delays the effects of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.


It keeps the blues away


Most people know that having a glass of wine is a great way to relax, but it’s also effective in fighting depression. Studies in Spain found men and women who drank up to seven glasses of wine per week were less likely to be depressed compared to their nondrinking counterparts.


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It limits acne breakouts


The lovable resveratrol hinders the growth of bacteria that causes acne. In fact, it’s even more effective than benzoyl peroxide – a chemical made to combat moderate cases of acne. Research shows that limiting acne breakouts involves the consumption of wine and not a topical application.


It lowers cholesterol levels


Cholesterol is the blood vessel-coating plaque that we are so afraid of. Resveratrol-rich red wine is believed to decrease LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and improve HDL cholesterol (the good type). Sensible consumption of alcohol, especially red wine, can lead to HDL increases of up to 12%.


It reduces the risk of heart-related diseases


Tannins found in red wine have procyanidins which serve to fight heart disease. Regular – but controlled – consumption of wine can encourage better blood cell growth, improved blood flow and decreased risk factors for heart conditions. In the end, cardiovascular diseases can be kept at bay by light drinking.


It prevents liver-related diseases


Drinking moderate quantities of wine has been linked to reduced risk for non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases by up to 50%! However, your drink has to be wine since beer and hard liquor increases the risk for liver disease by up to four times compared to nondrinkers.


It promotes better bone growth


As the years go by, our bones become more fragile and prone to damage. Improving bone density means increasing calcium intake, but sipping of a glass of wine can also have the same benefits as milk. Red wine is rich in silicon, a chemical that promotes bone density.


It promotes longer lives


Healthy living and longevity usually bring the Mediterranean diet to mind. What we should know is that wine is a vital part of the diet. Once again, we have resveratrol to thank for increasing our lifespan. The phenol activates an anti-aging protein that keeps us looking and feeling young.


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It protects against free radicals


Since free radicals can cause horrible health problems like cancer, we need antioxidants to prevent them from striking. Wine contains high antioxidant levels that attack free radicals when they come sniffing around. If you’re looking for a wine chock-full of antioxidants, choose a white wine.


It protects against sunburn


Wine-drinking has been connected to the reduced effects of ultraviolet rays. Flavonoids (cool-sounding phenols found in wine) inhibit reactive oxygen species (ROS) which stimulate enzymes to gnaw on our skin cells. A topical application of wine shouldn’t be your main weapon against sunburn, but it can definitely help.


It reduces the risk of cancer


In the war against cancerous cells, be happy that wine is on our side. The antioxidants in wine can prevent the growth of prostate, breast, and colon cancer cells. Again and again, we owe much to the resveratrol found in red wine for combating both heart disease and cancer growth.


It reduces the risk of heart attacks


The alcohol content, paired with antioxidants and resveratrol, can prevent coronary artery disease which is a gateway to heart attacks. Previous studies indicate that the resveratrol is linked to a reduced risk of blood clotting and inflammation which are surefire signs of an underlying heart condition and possibly a heart attack.


Note to reader: Health benefits only come from moderate consumption of wine! The American Heart Association has defined moderate wine drinking as having up to 8 oz. of wine per day.

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